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Reading in Different Languages: The Books I'm Loving Right Now

If you know me, chances are you've seen me carrying a book. I'm always reading something, and it's been that way for as long as I can remember.

I just love stories. Books, movies, series, music—you name it, I love it.

And I read everything, from non-fiction to YA fantasy. There's no discrimination here. My interests are so varied that my TBR list is as eclectic as my Spotify shuffle mode.

When I started learning languages, I realized how much books help me improve. At the time, living in Brazil, options were limited (though I'm grateful I discovered Elisabet Benavent, now one of my favorite Spanish authors, simply because her book was the only Spanish one in the bookshop). I'd always return from trips with overweight luggage due to books, and I started buying e-books for my iPad, which later became a Kindle I'm still obsessed with. Yes, I prefer paper books, but the Kindle is so convenient… (That's a topic for another post, though.)

I typically read multiple books simultaneously in different languages. I enjoy reading fiction in my "weakest" language for fun, engaging practice, while for everything else, I read what's available. Here are the books I'm currently reading or have just finished:

The books Carolina is currently reading in different languages and a painting painted by her.

  • Fourth Wing series: I read both books in Catalan and absolutely devoured them. They're totally worth the hype and perfect for reading in your target language, as the vocabulary is rich but not overly difficult.

  • The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair: A friend lent me this book, and I was hooked from the beginning. Joel Dicker is an amazing mystery author, and I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

  • It didn't start with you: I'm currently reading this in Spanish, and it's fascinating. It discusses how we share more than DNA with our parents and how we can carry up to three generations' worth of trauma/energy through epigenetics.

  • The Lucid Body: I just finished this in English (I think it's only available in English). It's about acting and how actors can momentarily alter their energy configuration to suit a character. I loved seeing something I've always done intuitively put into words, and it's definitely got me excited for a current project I'm working on!

  • In Italian, a couple of months ago, I finished the Crave series. Although I loved the first books, I wasn't as into the last one, which means I need to find something new to read in Italian!

What about you? What are you reading right now? Send me some recommendations for my TBR list!

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