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Becoming the Character of my Dreams: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Once a journalist asked me, "What’s the hardest character you’ve had to play?" and without hesitation, I thought, "myself." Isn’t that true for all of us? From the day we’re born until the day we die, we’re constantly writing our own characters—crafting our identities in the story of our lives. Just like a character from a book, we have the power to shape our journey, from the way we dress to the way we feel.

But how often do we really take control? Life moves fast, and many of us live on autopilot, letting routines define who we are. When was the last time you paused to reflect on who you've become? Or questioned whether you could break free from old patterns? The truth is, you can be anything and anyone you desire. You have the power to create the best version of yourself.

As an actress, I’ve had the privilege of playing characters written by experienced authors since I was young. And I absolutely love it—wearing outfits I might never choose in real life, speaking lines that aren’t mine but feel real in the moment. Each character presents a new challenge, and it’s such a thrill to figure out their voice, movements, and even how they think. Are they rational? Emotional? What drives them?

But here’s what I’ve realized: whether it’s on screen or in life, there’s no right or wrong answer. What matters is believing in your choices and making them real inside of you. It’s this authenticity that resonates, whether with an audience or with yourself.

That’s why I believe anyone can turn themselves into the character of their dreams. Even if you’re not an actor, the same principles apply. It’s not always easy, and it takes work, but the rewards are worth it.

There’s nothing quite like, self-discovery, getting to know yourself—learning to celebrate your strengths, working on the things you want to improve, and seeing how your life transforms as a result.

I’m on my journey, and now I invite you to join me. Who’s the character of your dreams?



Los muchos personajes de Carolina Oliveira a lo largo de su carrera.

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